Individual Counseling: School based counseling addresses issues that affect the child in school, is problem solving in nature, and short term. The school counselor is not a therapist, does not make diagnoses, and does not provide therapy. Individual Counseling in the elementary school is short-term. If the student is in need of additional mental health services/professional counseling, referrals can be made. I can provide a list of local professional therapists upon request. Individual counseling can begin at any time during the year.
Classroom Guidance lessons: Lessons will focus on social skills, conflict resolution, manners, problem solving, and self-esteem. Lessons occur throughout the year in the classroom for approximately 30 minutes. Character Strong is a program we use with different character traits each month. Check out the Purposeful People page to find more information. Additional lessons can be taught if there is a need per teacher request. If you do not want your child to participate, please notify me in writing as soon as possible.
Small Counseling Groups: I will offer groups on a variety of topics including social skills, friendship, study skills and anger. All groups are formed on the needs of the students. Any staff or parent can refer a student they feel could benefit from small group counseling. All requests MUST BE submitted in written form.